Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy

We have a zero-tolerance child sexual exploitation policy on has zero tolerance towards any material that features or promotes child sexual exploitation, one of the most serious violations of the Terms of Service. This may include media, text, illustrated, or computer-generated images. Regardless of the intent, viewing, sharing, or linking to child sexual exploitation material contributes to the re-victimization of the depicted children. This also applies to content that may further contribute to victimization of children through the promotion or glorification of child sexual exploitation. For the purposes of this policy, a minor is any person under the age of the majority, depending on the jurisdiction where the content was recorded.

What is in violation of this policy?

Any content that depicts or promotes child sexual exploitation including, but not limited to:

  1. visual depictions of a child engaging in sexually explicit or sexually suggestive acts;
  2. illustrated, computer-generated or other forms of realistic depictions of a human child in a sexually explicit context, or engaging in sexually explicit acts;
  3. sexualized commentaries about or directed at a known or unknown minor; and
  4. links to third-party sites that host child sexual exploitation material.

The following behaviors are also not permitted:

  1. sharing fantasies about or promoting engagement in child sexual exploitation;
  2. expressing a desire to obtain materials that feature child sexual exploitation;
  3. recruiting, advertising or expressing an interest in a commercial sex act involving a child, or in harboring and/or transporting a child for sexual purposes;
  4. trying to obtain sexually explicit media from a child or trying to engage a child in sexual activity through blackmail or other incentives;
  5. identifying alleged victims of childhood sexual exploitation by name or image; and
  6. promoting or normalizing sexual attraction to minors as a form of identity or sexual orientation.

Who can report violations of this policy?

Anyone can report potential violations of this policy, whether they have an account or not.

How can I report violations of this policy?

If you think you’ve found certain content uploaded in the Webpage distributing or promoting child sexual exploitation, you can report it via [email protected] with a copy to the link of the Content.

What happens if you violate this policy?

In the majority of cases, the consequence for violating our child sexual exploitation policy is immediate and permanent suspension. In addition, violators will be prohibited from creating any new accounts in the future.

We are committed to cooperating fully with law enforcement agencies in investigating and prosecuting individuals involved in the creation, distribution, or promotion of Child Abuse Material. This may include reporting information about users and escalating the case through the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

If you believe that your account was suspended in error, you can submit an appeal.